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For our latest updates and rodeo information please read below

Image by 2 Bull Photography


We will shoot for the fireworks to start between 9:15-30pm choreographed to music.


​Announcements 6-30

Mutton Buster's need to register between 5 and 6 pm each night at the Crow's Nest. 60# weight limit. Limited entries


Admission gates will be locked until 4:30pm. Please be patient and courteous at the gate and parking.


Walk up tickets MAY still be available even if Rodeoticket is sold out.


Please leave your pets at home, this rodeo weekend is a very very busy one and very loud and crowded, we want everyone to be safe and comfortable. Thank You, we appreciate your understanding.



fireworks on July 3rd 2023

Our fireworks will be choreographed with music this year. It will broadcast over the sound system at the rodeo and for others in the surrounding  viewing area it will be on the FM radio station 87.9           

The rodeo is a live event and we don't always know what is going to happen in the arena. We aim to have the fireworks go off between 9:15 and 9:30 but, unforeseen circumstances can happen and the rodeo is the main event. 



2022 Kick Off Granby Rodeo Prize $$$!

For our kick off rodeo we're adding extra prize money in all the open events (at least $300)!

Local barrels and poles will also have added prize money. 

Call  LeAnn 303-818-4032 from 6-9pm to enter.


benefit auction on the 4th of July!

Posted July 2, 2021


handmade quilts

high end ski's

Golden Boy .22 Rifle

Latigo Ranch Winter weekend ski Package

Revo Sunglasses

Grand Elk Golf

Vacation Rental Gift certificates

AND more!

100% of the proceeds go directly to the Troublesome Fire victims.



Mutton Buster's

Posted June 28, 2021

Kids under 60#, enter at the crow's nest the day of the rodeo. Space is limited, enter by 5pm on July 3rd and 4th. 


RODEO ALL SUMMER is finally here!

Posted May 24, 2021

Rodeo season at the longest rodeo series in the county is finally here. We are ready to thrill you with rodeo and special acts. We have so many new and exciting offerings for the whole family, you won't want to miss one. 

Our Junior rodeo starts at 2pm, with the Open rodeo opening with a tribute to our great country at  7pm.

It is a sight to behold, the beautiful American flag waving from horseback with the mountains in the background, and most likely an beautiful sunset at your back.

Come be a part of America's sport, and get a little dust on your boots. June 5th kicks off the 2021 rodeo series action, following with every Saturday night thorugh July 31st. July 4th is Sunday this year, and we will have a rodeo then too.


2021 Summer schedule

Posted November 14, 2020

Even when the snow is swirling and blowing, we are planning for a great season for the summer of 2021. We already have Westernaires, 5280 Trick Riders, Belgian Hitch along with other great acts lined up. Mark your calendars.

We had such a great success and positive feedback about 2020 schedule, that we are going to have the same outline. Rodeo every Saturday Night in June and July, starting June 5th (5th, 12th, 19, 26), then July 3 Fireworks on Sunday July  following with July 10th, 17th, 24th, and the finale with series awards on the 31st.

We also have exciting news about partnering with the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo and the concert they are hosting to kick off the fair on the 30th. Stay tuned to see how you can get discounts to see Colt Ford and Tracey Bird in Kremmling on the 30th and see our fantastic final rodeo on July 31st.


2020 Success

Posted September 10, 2020

WOW! What a great summer of rodeo in Granby. We had record number of contestants, enthusiastic and appreciative spectators and contestants as well as great community support. We are happy to say that despite the obstacles and challenges we had a fantastic rodeo season and we were the only rodeo series in the region. Look for our great line up for summer 2021, it's coming soon and we will be happy to host you again in 2021.


Special Events for August 22 and 29th

Posted August 17, 2020

We are pleased to announce that the Flintstone Gravel 6 Horse Hitch will showcase thier beautiful and talented Belgian horses on August 22nd. This magnificent team travels all over the USA and this is your chance to see them up close. Don't miss it.

Our final rodeo on August 29th will not only award the year end champions for their hard work, but we will feature 2 fantastic special events to top off the year. You can come cheer on the kids in their final performance of the year and applaud their accomplishments at the end of the Junior rodeo.

The night rodeo will kick off with a "mini bronc" competition, you need to come see these cute little buggers kick it up. During the performance we will host again the ever popular 5280's Trick and Fancy Riding Team with our own 10 year old Granby cowgirl Sego joining in. These gals will take your breath away with the stunts they perform horseback and FAST horseback. Lastly, we will crown our 2020 champions at the end of the night.



Posted July 13, 2020

We didn't stop celebrating America and the great western tradition of rodeo on the 4th of July. Join us every Saturday in July and again August 15th, 22nd and 29th. We have lots of exciting action and special events planned including motorcycle barrel racing, trick riders, Westernaires, Belgian Draft horse team along with the rodeo.

Bring your little ones to Mutton Bust, Boot Scramble and just have a good time up close to the rodeo action.

You might wonder why we skip August 1st and 8th, well that is our county fair and a big portion of our contestants will be there. The kids will be showing and caring for 4-H projects, competing in a Junior rodeo there and Saturday the 8th is a CPRA rodeo hosted by the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo. Come join us in Kremmling.


July 3rd/4th/Fireworks updates

Posted June 29, 2020

Patriots, rodeo fans and contestants. We are planning to rodeo Friday and Saturday and have fireworks on the 4th. However, we need your help so that we can continue to offer the great western tradition of rodeo and stand proud for our American independence. Our capacity for spectators is 2,500 and the Incident Management Team is limiting us to 250 people on almost 10 acres at an outside venue. If you are a proud American that thinks we need to have as many people be able to celebrate the USA freedom and all it stands for, please reach out to these people and ask them to open the gates to more freedom loving Americans to rodeo and salute our freedom. 

Kaitlyn Miller 970-531-0127

Sheriff Brett Schroetlin 970-531-2645

Incident Managemnt Team Commander Brad White 970-531-6742

Brene Balue LaDue Health Dept. 970-531-0406

Commissioner Merrit Linke 970-531-0438

Commissioner Kris Manguso 970-531-8283 (tell her Thanks for supporting the right to assemble)

Commissioner Rich Cimino

County Manager Kate McIntyre

Asst. County Manager Ed Moyer 970-531-7799


The incident response team said that they will allow it as long as we stop at 250, if we hit 251, they will shut it down and not allow fireworks. Ask each of them to be strong Americans and allow more people in to celebrate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and western way of life. Personal responsibilty is an key part of Americans.

More information:

Mutton Bustin' Enter at the crow's nest the day of the rodeo.

Gates open at 5pm for seating

TIckets only at the gate (per regs).

Ticket price $15.00 adults, $10.00 kids.

Contestants slack is 9am on July 4th


Let's Rodeo

Posted June 18, 2020

2020 Kickoff rodeo will be June 27th. The 27th will begin our series and season, the makeup dates are TBA please check back on those. Moving forward from the 27th, we will have rodeo's July 3rd and 4th with a professional fireworks dispaly on the 4th right after the last bull bucks. Then every Saturday in July will continue the season.

We will announce asap when we will hold the make up rodeo's. We planned on 9 for the 2020 season, so we will make sure they happen, check back. Since we will have 9 rodeo's, contestants must attend 6 of the 9 to be eligible for year end awards.


june 20 update

Posted June 15, 2020

Regretfully, we havve to postpone this weekend's rodeo as well. Please keep checking to see our revised schedule. Follow us on Instagram as well. Thank you for your patience and support in this matter that is out of our control.


New virus schedule update

Posted June 01, 2020

As per govt' restrictions, we have postponed the first 2 rodeos in June (6th and 13th). We are watching for further information, but we have just postponed and we will post when those rescheduled rodeo's will be. Thanks for your patience. The Flying Heels Rodeo is such an important fabric of Granby and Grand County, for spectators and contestants alike, we are working our hardest to make the rodeo season happen at some point.


Virus schedule update

Posted May 07, 2020

We at the Flying Heels Rodeo are so excited about all the new improvemnets at the facility this season. Covered grandstands to accomodate more fans under shelter will allow us to practice the "social distancing" even if there is inclement weather.

We are following guidlines and looking for direction as the state opens up and the rodeo season unfolds. Our contestants are naturally "socially distanced" as the nature of people on horseback, however, we do want to allow our fans to enjoy the rodeo at comfortable distance, so we are excited to add many more seats under shelter.

We still have exciting line up of contestants and special acts including the famous Westernaires from Golden, CO at 3 of our rodeos, plus local talent joining in with the 5280's Trick and Fancy Riding Team, along with some staples we have yearly.

Please keep checking for updates and don't hesitate to call, and in these trying times, sponsorship is always welcome. 970-531-5465



Posted January 24, 2020

We have great news! The Flying Heels Rodeo in Granby will provide exciting rodeo every Saturday in June AND July this year. We will have a rodeo on Friday July 3rd and of course the renown rodeo and Fireworks show July 4th.

Look for more updates as we finalize our special events for each rodeo, but with 9 rodeo dates to choose, you won't want to miss.

Junior Rodeo will start at 2pm. Open Rodeo will start at 7pm.

Saddle up and join us for a great ridei in 2020! 

© 2021 by Granby Rodeo at Flying Heels Arena.

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